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Table of Contents
A Piece of the Net's Big List of Links
These links are taken from A Piece of the Net's Bookmarks file in Netscape! It contains links on web site design and other computer and internet related links.
- Need to know some more business information?
- The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce - San Antonio Business Visitor and Tourist information
- A Piece of the Net (my business) is a proud member of the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce.
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- The Chamber's web site.
- This is a very select list of important computer and Internet web sites.
- Is that virus warning true? Probably not! Did that really happen? Probably not! Here's the place to check the stories out!
- Urban Legends and Folklore - Home Page
- Go here before forwarding that e-mail! Most e-mails circulating that claim to be true are really urban legends!
- Here are some really low-cost internet access sites.
- Welcome to AltaVista FreeAccess!
- The AltaVista search engine is now offering free internet access with ad banners displayed on your browser, of course!
- Welcome to Juno
- Juno started with free e-mail and now does web access. They are a good standard if you are looking for free internet access and free e-mail.
- The Computer Network. Computer News and more.
- Here's some of the most popular search engines. You want to make sure your web site is listed with these.
- AltaVista - Search
- My favorite search engine. Alta Vista is my favorite since it allows quoted searches to find exact phrases. Yahoo is excellent for topics that bring up too many sites.
- Excite
- Go (replaced Infoseek)
- GoTo - Search made simple
- HotBot
- InfoSpace
- Lycos
- Welcome to Magellan!
- MSN Search
- Northern Light Search
- WebCrawler
- Yahoo!
- Beaucoup! 2,000+ Search Engines, Indices and Directories
- Thinking of creating your own web page? Before you ask, here's what I use and like for developing my own sites.
- If you know very little or nothing about designing web sites, start with these items. They are also good reviews for those who think they know something (GRIN).
- Netscape
- First make sure you are using the best browser (GRIN).
- The Only Web Publishing Tutorial You'll Ever Need! Ver 3.0
- This is what I used to learn HTML (the Hyper Text Mark-up Language used to create web pages)! This site has been down, but is being rebuilt right now.
- E-Mail lists are techncially not a part of a web site. However, it can be a good marketing combination. Here are some good sites to set-up an e-mail list.
- Christian eMail Service
- A Christian e-mail list service.
- eGroups
- E-Mail lists and more.
- ListBot
- The popular LinkExchange also has an e-mail list.
- Arrow - Arrow Mailing List Server for Windows
- This is a good program that will run on Windows and handle an e-mail list for you.
- Where do I get good graphics for my web site?
- GIF Wizard Front Page
- After you create your gif's, go here to reduce the size of the file (for faster loads).
- Macromedia
- Go here to get the Shockwave internet plug -in!
- OZONE: Images Index
- Lot's of backgrounds.
- ShoeString's PictureDicer
- Cut large graphics into cells for special effects.
- Need a place to host your web site?
- HyperMart - Free Business Hosting
- This place is a paradise for businesses. Free web space (commercial users only) with a CGI-BIN, secure server, free domain name registration (you pay Internic), and more. This place is great! Oh, you do have ads placed on your site, but they can be removed for a very low annual fee.
- Welcome to Tripod
- This place now has CGI and SSI support as well as FrontPage Extensions.
- Need to know more about Java and the Web?
- java.sun.com - The Source for Java(TM) Technology
- Sun is the creator of Java. Visit their home page to find out more about Java and Java applets (applets are those wonderful little Java programs that work on the web).
- Demicron - WebDesign from the Leading Java Applet Developer
- Easy to use program for creating Java applets. The basic version is also free.
- The Java Boutique: Free Java Applets, Games, Programming Tutorials, and Downloads
- A great place to find some fun Java applets.
- JARS.COM The #1 Java Review Service
- Lotsa Java programs rated by popularity.
- Need to know more about CGI scripts?
- Beginner's Guide to CGI Scripting with Perl
- This is a really good beginner introduction to PERL and CGI for those who mainly want to use and modify commonly availible scripts.
- The CGI Resource Index
- More than you ever wanted to know about CGI stuff! Ok, maybe just lotsa CGI stuff!
- The CGI Resource Index: Programs and Scripts: Perl
- Same as above, but this link takes you straight to the PERL scripts!
- Matt's Script Archive
- Where did that counter script (at the bottom of my pages) come from? He has other great scripts, too!
- ActiveState Tool Corp. - Professional tools for Perl developers
- Okay, you've been getting scripts and now it would really be nice if you could test them on your own computer before uploading it to your server. Get ActivePerl for your personal web server.
- Extropia.com | WebStore
- This is where you can get a web store script to create your own online store. Very nice program, but does require some CGI/PERL knowledge as well as a pretty good understanding of HTML.
- NewsPro
- News Pro is a PERL script for adding news updates to a web page. It is easy to use and setup to allow others to make simple news updates.
- FreeCode, Free Programming Source Code
- Free scripts and programs of all sorts to help webmasters!
- JavaScript Source: Free JavaScripts, Tutorials, Example Code, Reference, Resources, And Help
- An excellent source for free JavaScript code.
- Where do I get good sound clips for my web site?
- The Classical MIDI Archives
- A huge collection of classical MIDI files.
- Now that you have a great site, how do you promote it (i.e., get lotsa hits)?
- Both free and paid banner advertising can be an effective internet marketing strategy.
- Cybergrace Advertise
- Banner and other advertising rates for Cybergrace (a Christian web site).
- LinkExchange - Ad Store
- Paid banner advertising on popular sites through LinkExchange. This features general and targeted site advertising.
- It's tough to get alot of traffic from search engines, but it's an important part of your online marketing strategy.
- Add Me, FREE Website Promotion!
- A quick way to enter your web page information into about 30 of the top search engines.
- Submit Pro [ineedhits.com] Submit to over 300 Search Engines starting from just $9.95
- This search engine submission company seems to offer a pretty good deal if you need more than just the top 30 searcn engines.
- All In One Christian Index - Main Index
- Add your site to Christian Indexes.
- PositionAgent
- See if your web pages are listed on the first 3 pages of search engine results!
- AgentWebRanking
- This beta program is really great for monitoring your search engine ranking.
- Search Engine Watch: Tips About Internet Search Engines & Search Engine Submission
- Now that you've got a great website, how do you make sure the search engines can find and properly index your site?
- Still need more input?
- Allaire Corp
- They make an excellent program called HomeSite that aids in writing HTML files. It is much better than FrontPage!
- The Apache Software Foundation
- Apache is a popular Internet Server. It isn't necessary to run a server on your computer to design web sites, however, it can be helpful for testing more advanced pages before uploading your pages to your host.
- PayPal
- PayPal is very reasonable on fees and works well for smaller sites.
- Welcome to ibill!
- For a piece of the action, ibill will provide online merchant accounts.
- The Web Developer's Virtual Library
- Just what it says -- a library of information on developing web sites. I recommend this site if you still have questions after visiting the above sites.
- Web Site Garage - Improve Your Web Site
- A site to test how good (technically speaking) your web site is!
- WebTV - Design
- WebTV is yet another browser to worry about if you want your web site to be visited by all. This site has design info and a handy viewer to see how your web site looks on WebTV.