About A Piece of the Net
Why A Piece of the Net Should Design Your Web Site
Here are a few good reasons to have A Piece of the Net to design your site:
- We've been in business 12 years! Our recommendations carry 12 years of experience and you can count on us being here tomorrow to help you with your web needs!
- A real person in the U.S. to contact for all your web needs! Since we do domain name registration, hosting, and web design, we can handle most of your web site needs and are available via a phone call that isn't sent overseas!
- We have a thorough understanding of HTML. Improper HTML coding can cause a site that looks good on your computer to not look good on someone else's computer because of differing browsers, screen sizes, resolutions, and other problems.
- We understand how and when to use PHP/MySQL, JavaScript, and PERL. These languages can be used to make your site more interactive and to help them work better for you.
- We specialize in custom dynamic database driven web sites. As your business grows, you'll come to appreciate the power dynamic database driven sites give you and your staff to handle many simple web task and other business administration through your own admin site (a back end for your web site).
- We know how to get the most "bang for your buck" on graphics. Proper use of graphics allows your pages to both look attractive and load quickly.
- We have a keen understanding of web site layout and design principles. Proper layout and design can make your site easier to read and navigate, more user-friendly, more appealing, more professional, and keep your visitors coming back.
- We have skilled editorial experience. This will help ensure that your site doesn't have spelling or grammar errors that can quickly make a site look unprofessional and turn away your visitors.
- We know what is generally accepted as "cool" and what is considered "uncool" on the net. Some "tricks of the trade" are appealing and others are viewed very negatively. It is important to know which to use and which not to use!
- We know how to make your site search engine friendly. It is very challenging (and costly) to get your site at the top of a search engine list. However, following good search engine principles will help your rankings.
- We custom design your site to fit your needs and business atmosphere. We do not use one size fits all or "cookie-cutter templates" to design your site.
- We have retail experience. We can help you set up an online store that appeals to shoppers.
- We have business experience. We know that your site is a reflection on your company. And we know how to make a positive impression on your visitors.
- We understand customer service. We are in business to serve you and make your web site the best it can be.
- We work with you to get your site the way you want it. Most of the web site "rules" are really principles. They can be changed or bent when needed. We give you the information you need to decide whether you want to break the rules when you want something a little out of the ordinary.
See our Portfolio to attest to the quality and value of our work.
How Do I Get Started on My Web Site?
For more information, an estimate, or to schedule a consultation, contact us!

Web Site Credits
This site was created by A Piece of the Net (of course)!
Template graphic design by Sam Laskowski!
For those of you who like trivia:
Beta Testing for this site began on June 8, 1997.
This site officially came into existence on August 6, 1997.